How do we handle the “infodemic”?
We value free expression, but we don't like the idea of having to sort through misinformation. What do we do?
We value free expression, but we don't like the idea of having to sort through misinformation. What do we do?
We value our rights, laws, and institutions. We want to see them work well, during this crisis and after it ends. How to balance all of this in a pandemic raises tough questions.
As we think about how to respond to the need we see around us, perhaps we can focus on building relationships that acknowledge human creativity and entrepreneurship in all people, not just those who enjoy economic stability.
What would we be willing to give up to "get back to normal"?
I have a family member who works in the medical field who is 'all in' on the proposal of Medicare-for-all. I want to have a civil conversation with her and express my concerns about how this policy will have a negative impact on our economy. I also think it will affect her financially. How can I have a productive conversation about this topic when we both feel so strongly about it?
Like the adaptive creatures we are, we're already finding creative ways to connect to one another.
Given current circumstances, perhaps we can temporarily set aside questions of whether a month highlighting women’s history helps or hurts women and instead use this opportunity to empathize with the challenges that many women face as they seek out a successful career and raise a family.
Up until a week ago, I’d never even heard the phrase “social distancing.”
Let’s see out new perspectives and work to reconnect with one another and repair our relationships.