Our rebranding to Civil Squared

Our purpose at Civil Squared is to get un-likeminded people talking again because that’s how, together, we’ll create the most effective solutions to the challenges our communities face.

You may have noticed that we have a new logo, a new website, and our organization’s name has formally changed from Center for the Study of Liberty to just Civil Squared.   

Why the rebrand?  

We’re still a 501 c3 nonprofit organization. We’re still producing excellent content and programming. And we’re still based on the pillars of learning and freedom. 

So then why the rebrand to Civil Squared?  

The Center for the Study of Liberty was our organization’s old name, and while we did study liberty, it conveyed a very formal tone, and at times that formality was out of step with the feeling of intellectual adventure we wanted to inspire. It was missing a key component of our mission: namely, encouraging un-likeminded people to talk to each other.   

The name Civil Squared reflects our intent to encourage learning and freedom through civil conversation.  

We started this rebrand with a weekly newsletter back in February of this year, which many of you regularly receive. We found that the name and the idea was starting to catch on. Then, we decided to change our podcast title from Ideas at Work to the Civil Squared Podcast, and next, we added online events to our programming and called them Civil Squared Live.  

And in less than one year, we’ve expanded our audience exponentially. We’re on our way to having an audience of 10,000 diverse individuals who subscribe to our weekly newsletter along with a growing social media audience and a growing number of listeners to our biweekly podcast.  

So, we decided to formally change the organization’s name to just Civil Squared.  

Why “Civil Squared”? 

First, we believe that civil discourse is one of the most effective solutions to our country’s challenges. And second, when something is squared it is multiplied exponentially. These two ideas led us to Civil Squared 

Our purpose at Civil Squared is to get un-likeminded people talking again because that’s how, together, we’ll create the most effective solutions to the challenges our communities face. Today’s problems won’t be solved by silencing disagreement. Civil discourse is essential to building and maintaining a free and prosperous society. A truly free society requires not just free exchanges of goods and services, but a free exchange of ideas. 

We envision a time when individuals engage with one another with empathy and intellectual curiosity. People won’t just yell at one another on social media or retreat to their own corners, but they’ll devise innovative solutions to the challenges in their communities as a result of vigorous, respectful, and creative conversations. 

So, we’re on a mission to equip and inspire one civil conversation at a time so that our country can see an exponential increase in civil discourse.