Pamela Paresky, Ph.D., is Visiting Lecturer at the University of Chicago and Senior Scholar in Human Development and Psychology at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), where her primary responsibilities involve researching and communicating the psychology of thriving in a liberal democracy founded on fundamental individual rights such as the freedom of expression. She joined FIRE to work with its President and CEO, Greg Lukianoff, and his co-author, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, on their book, The Coddling of the American Mind for which she served as primary researcher and in-house editor. Her work has been published in outlets as different in perspective as The Guardian and Quillette, and she is Director of the Aspen Center for Human Development (ACHD) where a faculty of scholars in diverse fields collaborate on issues of leadership, happiness, the good life, and other topics in human development. Her current project, Habits of a Free Mind: Psychology for Democracy, is a course offered at the University of Chicago and will eventually become a book.
Senior Scholar in Human Development & Psychology at Foundation for Individual Rights in Education